Wednesday, February 19, 2014

This is my Mark


This message was sent to everyone in the class.

"Wolves urinate on specific stumps and stone to mark off their territory.... tracks of deer, moose, and bear printed in the soil of the forest floor."

I wanted to leave my mark. Let it be known that, I, Roberto was here.


".. . words just insofar as they are just patterned sounds..."

This made me think of onomatopoeia as used in our popular culture. Specifically comic books and such. When you see these words it invokes the action and the sound. It is those things.

Chapter 3: the flesh of language.

This Body

11"x14" Ink on bristol

"Without a body or senses,  we could not interact or experience the world."

This chapter focused a lot on the body and how it vital to how we interact with anything.  Since drawing is my natural medium, I decided to draw the physical forms of the five senses: smell, sight, taste, hearing, and touch which is represented by nerve endings.

Tuesday, February 4, 2014

Binary Forest

"... the mathematized and mechanical universe... "

I was inspired to do a drawing for this piece from this single line of text. It just made me think of a wholly mathematical and deliberate universe and what that might look like if we stripped away the illusion.

11x14 in. , Pencil on Bristol

Spell of the Sensuous ch.2 part 1

Saturday, February 1, 2014

Ecology Of Magic

" Just in front of me, and only an inch or two to my side of the torrent, a spider was climbing a thin thread stretched across the mouth of the cave...''

For this piece, I wanted to reference the spiders reacting to their environment and creating something within the space. Something that I feel is at the core of installation art. So I created objects that appear similar to egg sacs and placed them all around a space.

My mediums were regular scotch tape and a bit of paper to build the tape around.

"Egg Sacs" , 2014,  paper and scotch tape